April 3, 2009

Digital Arts and Culture 2009 Call

by Nick Montfort · , 10:32 am

DAC09 (a.k.a. Digital Arts and Culture 2009) will be held stateside, at UC Irvine, and is sure to offer a fantastic collection of papers, events, art, and discussion. “This iteration of DAC will dwell on the specificities of embodiment, cultural, social and physical location with respect to digital technologies and networked communications.”

This year’s DAC will feature several themes, and papers are to be submitted with one or more of these in mind:

I’ll particularly note that platform studies papers (which perhaps could be developed into books in the Platform Studies series) are invited in a theme that Noah and Jeremy Douglass are organizing. “The Present and Future of Humanist Inquiry in the Digital Field” is a recently added theme worth a look for those who visited the DAC site a while back. And, finally, all theme organizers are welcome to comment here and tell the Grand Text Auto crowd more about their theme.

Full deadline information and the page for submitting to DAC can be found on the official DAC conference site. Abstracts are due May 1.

2 Responses to “Digital Arts and Culture 2009 Call”

  1. Mark M. Says:

    Hey, Nick,

    Don’t forget the call for performances of creative works in the Electronic Literary Arts night that Jessica Pressman and I are organizing (only noting it because it reaches out to another node of the GTxA readers). Submission of proposals due May 15.

  2. Nick Montfort Says:

    Thanks, Mark!

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