November 2, 2007

Zabaware Wins 2007 Loebner Competition

by Andrew Stern · , 12:07 pm

Robert Medeksza of Zabaware, pictured left in the Zabaware t-shirt, creator of the Ultra Hal chatterbot assistant, has won the 2007 Loebner Prize Competition, the annual Turing Test competition now in its 17th year. Past multi-year winner Rollo Carpenter is pictured in orange.

The chat logs of this year’s top three placers can be downloaded on the competition’s information page. This year, Loebner has implemented an application that plays back the chat sessions as they happened in real-time, including logs of the human judges versus both the bots and the human confederates. Very cool.

See pictures and video of the event as well, courtesy of Vladimir Veselov.

4 Responses to “Zabaware Wins 2007 Loebner Competition”

  1. andrew Says:

    Medeksza is interviewed on a site called AI Dreams.

  2. Game AI Roundup Week #44 2007 — Says:

    […] has been any improvement in chatbot technology since Alice! Can you tell the difference? Zabaware Wins 2007 Loebner Competition, Hal’s […]

  3. GAME AI n DESIGN BLOG » Blog Archive » Zabaware Wins 2007 Loebner Competition Says:

    […] Zabaware Wins 2007 Loebner CompetitionRobert Medeksza of Zabaware (pictured left, in the Zabaware t-shirt), creator of the Ultra Hal chatterbot assistant, has won the 2007 Loebner Prize Competition, the annual Turing Test competition now in its 17th year. SITE: […]

  4. robert Says:

    Zabaware to Me is certainly the most fun talking real live Bot I ever encounter,truly wonderful just having a conversation with Ultra-Hal 6.1 chat bot.just how fun can Mr Medeksza can go making ultra-hal almost human?
    Imagen when reaching Ultra-hal 8.0!

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