June 18, 2014

Play, Tag, Connect! Tiltfactor Announces Collaboration with the British Library on Metadata Games

from tiltfactor
by @ 5:30 am

Media contact: Amy D. Olson | Amy.D.Olson@dartmouth.edu | 603-646-3274

HANOVER, N.H. – June 18, 2014 – Dartmouth College’s Tiltfactor, an interdisciplinary innovation studio dedicated to designing and studying games for social impact, has announced a new collaboration with the British Library on three new games: Ships Tag, Book Tag, and Portrait Tag. Each game provides the public with an opportunity to not only explore but also add to what we know about images from the British Library’s collection.

Play, Tag, Connect! Tiltfactor Announces Collaboration with the British Library on Metadata Games

from tiltfactor
by @ 5:30 am

Media contact: Amy D. Olson | Amy.D.Olson@dartmouth.edu | 603-646-3274

HANOVER, N.H. – June 18, 2014 – Dartmouth College’s Tiltfactor, an interdisciplinary innovation studio dedicated to designing and studying games for social impact, has announced a new collaboration with the British Library on three new games: Ships Tag, Book Tag, and Portrait Tag. Each game provides the public with an opportunity to not only explore but also add to what we know about images from the British Library’s collection.

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