My Reading from #! at Google
Video of my #! reading, which I did at Google Boston on December 2, is now online.
I actually forgot to present a few things. I’d wanted to at least show something from both Memory Slam and Renderings. Ah, well.
Video of my #! reading, which I did at Google Boston on December 2, is now online.
I actually forgot to present a few things. I’d wanted to at least show something from both Memory Slam and Renderings. Ah, well.
Video of my #! reading, which I did at Google Boston on December 2, is now online.
I actually forgot to present a few things. I’d wanted to at least show something from both Memory Slam and Renderings. Ah, well.
You may have noticed that “corpse” and “corporate” are lexically quite similar, and seem even more so when it comes to technology. Slate’s Google Graveyard lets visitors leave a virtual flower in memory of their favorite dead Google product. Seeking to be ever ready, they have dug a hole for Google Glass.
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