Thoughts on AIIDE
Andrew did a great job posting his talk notes for AIIDE. In this post I’ll describe some of my reactions and thoughts to the talks and conversations I had at AIIDE.
Chris Crawford
Andrew and I are certainly in agreement with Chris about the need to increase verb counts in order to achieve interactive story. But Chris strongly wants to avoid natural language, and instead move to a custom logographic language. Further, he wants to use parse technology to provide constraints as the player writes sentences in the custom language – I imagine something like pop-up menus. I understand the impulse to avoid natural language (seems like an impossible, AI complete problem) and to prevent the player from being able to form nonsensical sentences, but I worry that:
1) logographic languages will feel unnatural
2) a pre-parse interface that constrains what symbols you can use based on the symbols you’ve used so far will prevent players from being able to speak in their own style.