January 28, 2021

Generative Unfoldings, Opening April 1, 2021

from Post Position
by @ 8:52 am

Generative Unfoldings is an online exhibit of generative art, running live in the browser and consisting entirely of free/libre/open-source software. I am curating the exhibit. Sarah Rosalena Balbuena-Brady, D. Fox Harrell, Lauren Lee McCarthy, and Parag K. Mital worked with me to select fourteen artworks. The show will feature:

  • Can The Subaltern Speak? by Behnaz Farahi
  • Concrete by Matt DesLauriers
  • The Curse Of Dimensionality by Philipp Schmitt
  • Gender Generator by Encoder Rat Decoder Rat
  • Greed by Maja Kalogera
  • Hexells by Alexander Mordvintsev
  • Letter From C by Cho Hye Min
  • Pac Tracer by Andy Wallace

January 19, 2021

Mary Flanagan publishes essay in Bernie De Koven book

Professor Mary Flanagan, Director of Tiltfactor, has published an essay entitled “Enter the Dragon” which is included in De Koven’s posthumously published book, The Infinite Playground. The essay describes the time that Flanagan met De Koven in Denmark during a game event at a DiGRA conference. Flanagan details a game De Koven led– a physical, group game that opened the minds of even the most experimental game designers present. His knack for getting the naysayers and spoil-sports to truly play, to move outside their comfort zone into a realm of discovery, will always be remembered.

January 11, 2021

Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo

Tiltfactor’s Mary Flanagan discusses the psychology and meaning of games from a long term humanistic perspective in this fun podcast with game designers Gil Hova and Emma Larkins.

January 4, 2021

Can Video Games Help Prevent Violence?

Find out in this article co-written by Tiltfactor’s Mary Flanagan, Max Seidman, and others in the journal Psychology of Violence.


December 28, 2020

Tiltfactor’s Mary Flanagan Speaks in Warsaw!

Professor Flanagan discusses Tiltfactor’s work during the online Games for Impact festival in Poland celebrating games with social impact on December 8-11, 2020.

December 21, 2020

Cutting Through the Bias – Tiltfactor Lab’s Research is Published

Check out this comprehensive report on Tiltfactor’s large multi-year research project on bias and women inn STEM! Cutting Through the Bias: Using Games and Interactive Experiences to Transform Bias Against Women in STEM, is now available on Amazon!

December 14, 2020

Tiltfactor joins forces with the National Academy of Science

In January 2021 Tiltfactor Lab will kick-off a new project with the National Academy of Sciences LabX to design and develop a board game to engage and excite players about science!

December 6, 2020

Amazing Quest Q&A

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by @ 9:30 am

Amazing Quest should be completely open to the interpretation of players, to their appreciation of it, and, if they choose, to their rejection of it.

I refrained from discussing anything about the game during the IF Comp. Now that it’s over, I am glad to answer some questions that have arisen—with the earnest hope that my answers don’t preclude people from coming up with their own interpretations and responses.

These aren’t really frequently asked questions, but they are all actually questions that have been asked at least once. When I quote directly, the quotations are from anonymous feedback from IF Comp players. Whether quoted or in paraphrase, all of these are real questions or responses that I’ve gotten.

November 16, 2020

Tiltfactor Research cited in New Book

Professor Mary Flanagan and Max Seidman contributed to an article entitled “Developing and piloting videogames to increase college and university students’ awareness and efficacy of the bystander role in incidents of sexual violence.” Games for Health Journal 8, no. 1 (2019) 24-34. The article is cited in Catherine Sanderson’s new book, Why We Act: Turning Bystanders into Moral Rebels.

October 16, 2020

Former Tilt Lab and Game Design Student Nominated at Indiecade Games

Sharang Biswas D’12 TH’13 and former Tilt staff member has done it again! His new game: Honey & Hot Wax: An Anthology of Erotic Art Games has been nominated in the 2020 IndieCade Games. His 2018 game: Feast won the Indie Groundbreaker Award for “Most Innovative” game and was nominated for “Game of the Year” at the same awards.

September 22, 2020

Game Design Students Tackle the Pandemic

Figma Visual Game; Temptation by Akiah Watts (above) and stig · ma  by Irene Lam (below) explore social conflict admist pandemic times.



September 11, 2020

Tiltfactor’s Director becomes Deparment Chair

Professor Mary Flanagan became chair of the Film and Media Studies Department in June. 

August 12, 2020

Tiltfactor’s Grow-A-Game now available on Tabletop Simulator

August 5, 2020

Professor Flanagan speaks about “Games and Society” at Tsinghua University in China

Professor Flanagan spoke as part of a introductory program for incoming graduate students organized by USC with the support of Tencent. On staying focused and productive during COVID, Flanagan says she consistently makes time for “offscreen art making”, to alleviate burn-out and remain creative.

July 23, 2020

Former Tiltfactor Lab Student Employee Wins Award!

Zuff Idries ’18 Wins Script Competition

June 7, 2020

“Peaceful Protesters” but no “Peaceful Police”

from Post Position
by @ 12:39 pm

About four million Google hits for “peaceful protesters,” only about 55,000 for “peaceful police.” Anyone who has been reading the news will have seen the phrase “peaceful protesters” again and again—and probably will not have seen this other phrase. Does that mean peaceful protesters outnumber peaceful police 80 to 1? Or at least that we think and speak as if this is the case?

June 5, 2020

Mary Flanagan on the Ludology podcast

The Dice Tower Network features Dr. Flanagan in its podcast that explores games, game design, history and culture. This episode is hosted by Gil Hova and Emma Larkins, both tabletop designers. The hour long conversation explores psychology and games, and the meaning of games from a long term humanistic perspective. Happy listening. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ludology/id419046224

May 18, 2020

Post Hoc, An Online Art Show

from Post Position
by @ 5:57 pm

Please enjoy Post Hoc, a show I’ve put together with generous contributions from a baker’s dozen artists and seven writers. There was no pre-established theme for Post Hoc, which was prompted by our inability to get to IRL galleries and museums. Artists were simply asked for digital images, any digital image they considered an artwork. (Several works in the show do have other manifestations.) The work in the show is all from 2020. I solicited 1000–1200 character responses to each piece.

Agnieszka Kurant   response by Mary Flanagan

Christian Bök   response by Paul Stephens

Risk Management [Europe]

from Post Position
by @ 5:51 pm

Risk Management [Europe]
Agnieszka Kurant
800px × 794px JPEG

The Library of Babel – Hexagonal Drawing in English

from Post Position
by @ 5:49 pm

The Library of Babel – Hexagonal Drawing in English
Christian Bök
828px × 828px JPEG


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by @ 5:47 pm

Daniel Temkin
800px × 457px JPEG

Cabaret #7

from Post Position
by @ 5:46 pm

Cabaret #7
Derek Beaulieu
600px × 547px JPEG
of 8″ × 8″ Letraset on Paper


Lauren Lee McCarthy
1000px × 625px JPEG
of Performance, Custom Software and Electronics, Installation, Digital Image

“Am well. Thinking of you always. Love.”

“Am well. Thinking of you always. Love.” Isolation #6
Lilla LoCurto & Bill Outcault
800px × 511px JPEG
of 18″ × 12″ Cattle Marker, Powdered Pastels, Pencil, Graphite on Paper


from Post Position
by @ 5:36 pm

Olia Lialina
270px × 480px WebP

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